Naming rule
oil on canvas
estate – Installation View
Group Show / Kosuke Yamawaki, Hidetaka Suzuki, Masaki Okuten, Kentaro Takahashi, Moeco Yamazaki
installation view at ZEIT-FOTO kunitachi
Photographer : Kentaro Takahashi / Hidetaka Suzuki
Get warm
Online exhibition “Together Through Painting”
2021. 05I’m participating in @londonpaintclub online exhibition “Together Through Painting”.
18 May – 6 June 2021
>> Exhibition URL
>> Artist Page
London Paint Club is proud to present the 3rd edition of our international Open Call. LPC continues with its vision of connecting painters from all around the world on a single, global platform. Together Through Painting celebrates the intergenerational and transnational aptitude of a medium that creates a new form of dialogue between the artists, previously unconnected. Defying geopolitical borders, and merging interior and exterior worlds, emotions and thoughts, these selected paintings serve as a source of great inspiration and consolation for all of us. The strength of this online community is therefore once again proving necessary as we continue to face challenges in our everyday lives.
The online catalog is also available.
Please check it out as well.
>> Catalog URL